Anyway it's been like 2 or 3 years n so many things happen 2 me. I repeat MANY.. My life, tempt kje, my surrounding n byk lg yg mls aku nk tulis. We're almost at the end month of January n I still don't have any resolution. Can't u freakin believe dat.? One epic fail. Sume org aku rase da 1% realisasikan azam dorang n aku still terkebil2 lg. I'm a having a blonde moment here!
Actually aku x tau nk start dr mne dl. Pekate cite psl PE aku. Haha. Last mesti korang still remember MR F. Yup. PE lame aku yg kezaliman tahap gaban. Kalah Hitler. Anyway die da lme blah n mcm2 org ganti die. Tp PE aku yg paling latest ni sebijik cam die. Mean and sarcastic. Aku cam pelik mne bos aku leh cr org yg pelik ni. From which planet la die cr dorang ni. Super annoying. Da la mesin cam bangang pastu dpt lak Supervisor From Hell ni. This is totes beyond terrible okay. Ari2 asik bertekak sampai aku pon naik menyampah la jgk . Hopefully PE aku ni pon blah skali. This is 2 much. Will my wish be granted. Who knows wat the future hold kan?